使用Python分析数据 本来这不是我现在该想的东西,被迫因为建模比赛看了一点。所学东西太过杂乱。 为什么不用Matlab、Mathematica 因为Mathematica被我卸了,Matlab没学过,也不喜欢。这只是一个排除法,我不知道该怎么从优势上比较。 R语言没学过,Julia也没有,所以回归工具齐全的Python。 Python 数据分析套装 建议目标就是分析数据的人直接安装anaconda,使用jupyte 2020-02-22 闲扯
树链剖分 树链剖分可以用来维护树上路径的信息。把树上的节点拆成不超过O(logn)O(\log n)O(logn)段连续的路径(链),以映射到线段树或者什么的构来维护数据。 依照子树的大小,将最大子树作为重边,其他子树作为轻边,从而在树上拆分出多条链。为同一条链上的节点连续编号,完成剖分。至于剩下的,依照编号一条链可以连续的映射到数据结构的某个取间内,用类似于倍增LCA的方法在树上得到每一个询问所覆盖的链 2020-02-18 学习
[CF 1165F2]Microtransactions Ivan plays a computer game that contains some microtransactions to make characters look cooler. Since Ivan wants his character to be really cool, he wants to use some of these microtransactions — and 2020-01-21 code
[CF 1156F] Card Bag You have a bag which contains n cards. There is a number written on each card; the number on i-th card is ai. 2020-01-21 code
Codeforces Round #612 (Div. 2) C 无脑DP.设状态f(i,j,0/1)f(i,j,0/1)f(i,j,0/1)表示已经设置了iii位,用了jjj个偶数,第iii位是偶数/奇数.然后 f(i,j,0)=min{f(i−1,j−1,0),f(i−1,j−1,1)+1}f(i,j,1)=min{f(i−1,j,0)+1,f(i−1,j,1)}\begin{aligned} f(i,j,0)&=\min\{f(i-1,j 2020-01-14 code
CF1285D Dr.Evil Underscores Today, as a friendship gift, Bakry gave Badawy n integers a1,a2,…,an and challenged him to choose an integer X such that the value max1≤i≤n(ai⊕X) is minimum possible, where ⊕ denotes the bitwise XOR o 2020-01-13 code
数位DP 例题-4 HDU2089 不要62 统计数位中没有出现4和62的数字个数。 分析 不要4,可以在4时直接不转移。对于62,可以维护一个上一个数字填了啥,就可以像4一样判断了。 2019-11-06 学习
Liaoning Ship’s Voyage Liaoning ship, which named after a province of China, is the first aircraft carrier commissioned into the People’s Liberation Army Navy. It was bought from Ukraine as a stripped hulk and was rebuilt b 2019-10-27 code