例题-4 HDU2089 不要62
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> using namespace std;using ll=long long ;constexpr int MAXN=20 ; ll cache[MAXN][MAXN];int digits[20 ];ll solve (int pos,int last,int lim) { if (pos==0 )return 1 ; if (!lim && ~cache[pos][last])return cache[pos][last]; int maxd=9 ; if (lim)maxd=digits[pos]; ll res=0 ; for (int i=0 ;i<=maxd;i++){ if (last*10 +i==62 || i==4 )continue ; res+=solve (pos-1 ,i,lim && i==maxd); } if (!lim)cache[pos][last]=res; return res; }ll SOLVE (ll x) { int ptr=0 ; while (x){ digits[++ptr]=x%10 ; x/=10 ; } return solve (ptr,0 ,true ); }int main () { ll l,r; memset (cache,-1 ,sizeof (cache)); while (cin>>l>>r){ if (l==0 && r==0 )break ; cout<<SOLVE (r)-SOLVE (l-1 )<<endl; } return 0 ; }
例题-3 HDU3555
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> using namespace std;using ll=long long ;const int MAXN=50 ;int digits[MAXN]; ll f[MAXN][MAXN];ll solve (int pos,int last,int lim) { if (pos==0 )return 1 ; if (!lim && ~f[pos][last])return f[pos][last]; int maxd=9 ; if (lim)maxd=digits[pos]; ll res=0 ; for (int i=0 ;i<=maxd;i++){ if (last*10 +i==49 )continue ; res+=solve (pos-1 ,i,lim && i==maxd); } if (!lim)f[pos][last]=res; return res; }inline ll SOLVE (ll x) { int ptr=0 ; while (x){ digits[++ptr]=x%10 ; x/=10 ; } return solve (ptr,0 ,true ); }int main () { ios::sync_with_stdio (false ); int kase;cin>>kase; memset (f,-1 ,sizeof (f)); while (kase--){ ll r;cin>>r; cout<<r-SOLVE (r)+1 <<endl; } return 0 ; }
例题-2 POJ3252
The cows, as you know, have no fingers or thumbs and thus are unable to play Scissors, Paper, Stone' (also known as 'Rock, Paper, Scissors', 'Ro, Sham, Bo', and a host of other names) in order to make arbitrary decisions such as who gets to be milked first. They can't even flip a coin because it's so hard to toss using hooves.
They have thus resorted to “round number” matching. The first cow picks an integer less than two billion. The second cow does the same. If the numbers are both “round numbers”, the first cow wins,
otherwise the second cow wins.
A positive integer N is said to be a “round number” if the binary representation of N has as many or more zeroes than it has ones. For example, the integer 9, when written in binary form, is 1001. 1001 has two zeroes and two ones; thus, 9 is a round number. The integer 26 is 11010 in binary; since it has two zeroes and three ones, it is not a round number.
Obviously, it takes cows a while to convert numbers to binary, so the winner takes a while to determine. Bessie wants to cheat and thinks she can do that if she knows how many “round numbers” are in a given range.
Help her by writing a program that tells how many round numbers appear in the inclusive range given by the input (1 ≤ Start < Finish ≤ 2,000,000,000).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> using namespace std;typedef long long ll;const int MAXN=50 ;int digits[MAXN]; ll f[MAXN][MAXN][MAXN];int len=0 ;ll solve (int pos,int one,int first, int lim) { if (pos==0 ){ if (first==0 )return 0 ; if (first-one>=one)return 1 ; return 0 ; } if (!lim && ~f[pos][one][first])return f[pos][one][first]; int maxd=1 ; if (lim)maxd=digits[pos]; ll res=0 ; for (int i=0 ;i<=maxd;i++){ res+=solve (pos-1 ,one+(i==1 ),(i==1 && !first? pos : first),lim && i==maxd); } if (!lim)f[pos][one][first]=res; return res; }inline ll SOLVE (ll x) { int ptr=0 ; while (x){ digits[++ptr]=x%2 ; x/=2 ; } return solve (ptr,0 ,0 ,true ); }int main () { ios::sync_with_stdio (false ); memset (f,-1 ,sizeof (f)); ll l,r;cin>>l>>r; cout<<SOLVE (r)-SOLVE (l-1 )<<endl; return 0 ; }
例题-1 HDU3652
A wqb-number, or B-number for short, is a non-negative integer whose decimal form contains the sub- string “13” and can be divided by 13. For example, 130 and 2613 are wqb-numbers, but 143 and 2639 are not. Your task is to calculate how many wqb-numbers from 1 to n for a given integer n.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <vector> #include <cstring> using namespace std;using ll=long long ;const int MAXN=20 ;int num[MAXN]; ll f[MAXN][5 ][20 ];ll dfs (int ptr,int last,int mod,bool lim) { if (ptr<=0 ){ if (last==3 && mod==0 )return 1 ; else return 0 ; } if (!lim && ~f[ptr][last][mod])return f[ptr][last][mod]; int maxx=lim?num[ptr]:9 ; ll res=0 ; for (int i=0 ;i<=maxx;i++){ if (last==3 )res+=dfs (ptr-1 ,3 ,(mod*10 +i)%13 ,lim && i==maxx); else if (last==1 && i==3 )res+=dfs (ptr-1 ,3 ,(mod*10 +i)%13 ,lim && i==maxx); else if (i==1 )res+=dfs (ptr-1 ,1 ,(mod*10 +i)%13 ,lim&&i==maxx); else res+=dfs (ptr-1 ,0 ,(mod*10 +i)%13 ,lim&&i==maxx); } if (!lim)f[ptr][last][mod]=res; return res; }ll solve (ll r) { int ptr=0 ; while (r){ num[++ptr]=r%10 ; r/=10 ; } return dfs (ptr,0 ,0 ,1 ); }int main () { ios::sync_with_stdio (false ); cin.tie (0 ); memset (f,-1 ,sizeof (f)); ll r; while (cin>>r){ cout<<solve (r)<<endl; } return 0 ; }
例题0 HDU3709
A balanced number is a non-negative integer that can be balanced if a pivot is placed at some digit. More specifically, imagine each digit as a box with weight indicated by the digit. When a pivot is placed at some digit of the number, the distance from a digit to the pivot is the offset between it and the pivot. Then the torques of left part and right part can be calculated. It is balanced if they are the same. A balanced number must be balanced with the pivot at some of its digits. For example, 4139 is a balanced number with pivot fixed at 3. The torqueses are 42 + 1 1 = 9 and 9*1 = 9, for left part and right part, respectively. It's your job to calculate the number of balanced numbers in a given range [x, y].
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> using namespace std;using ll=long long ;int num[20 ]; ll f[20 ][20 ][2010 ];ll dfs (int ptr,bool lim,int piv,int l) { if (ptr<=0 )return l==0 ; if (l<0 )return 0 ; if (!lim && ~f[ptr][piv][l])return f[ptr][piv][l]; int maxx=lim?num[ptr]:9 ; ll res=0 ; for (int i=0 ;i<=maxx;i++){ res+=dfs (ptr-1 ,lim && i==maxx,piv,l+i*(ptr-piv)); } if (!lim)f[ptr][piv][l]=res; return res; }ll solve (ll r) { int ptr=0 ; while (r){ num[++ptr]=r%10 ; r/=10 ; } ll ans=0 ; for (int i=1 ;i<=ptr;i++){ ans+=dfs (ptr,1 ,i,0 ); } return ans-ptr+1 ; }int main () { ios::sync_with_stdio (false ); cin.tie (0 );cout.tie (0 ); int kase;cin>>kase; while (kase--){ memset (f,-1 ,sizeof (f)); ll l,r;cin>>l>>r; cout<<solve (r)+(l?-solve (l-1 ):0 )<<'\n' ; } return 0 ; }
例题1 CF55D
Volodya is an odd boy and his taste is strange as well. It seems to him that a positive integer number is beautiful if and only if it is divisible by each of its nonzero digits. We will not argue with this and just count the quantity of beautiful numbers in given ranges.
维护数字对0-9每个数字的模,但是这样还需要维护某些数字是否出现,继续考虑。当数字能同时被a a a 和b b b 整除,等价为其能够被它俩的最小公倍数整除。
这道题还有一点麻烦,就是内存它不够用。按照分析,至少需要开2520 × 2520 2520\times 2520 2 5 2 0 × 2 5 2 0 ,还要再加上个数位长度。内存就炸了。实际上,最小公倍数仅有了了几个,可以事先求出并先编码,就能降低一维状态。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> #include <vector> #include <map> using namespace std;using ll = long long ;const int MAXN = 2620 ;const int MAX_LCM = 2520 ; ll cache[20 ][MAXN][50 ];int digits[20 ];int idx = 0 ;int lcmref[MAXN];ll gcd (ll a, ll b) { return !b ? a : gcd (b, a % b); }ll lcm (ll a, ll b) { return a / gcd (a, b) * b; }void init_lcm () { for (int i = 0 ; i < (1 << 10 ); i++) { int temp = 1 ; for (int j = 1 ; j < 10 ; j++) { if ((i >> j) & 1 ) { temp = lcm (temp, j); } } if (!lcmref[temp]) { lcmref[temp]=++idx; } } }ll solve (int pos, int rest, int l, bool lim) { if (pos == 0 ) { if (rest % l == 0 ) return 1 ; return 0 ; } if (!lim && ~cache[pos][rest][lcmref[l]]) return cache[pos][rest][lcmref[l]]; ll res = 0 ; int maxd = 9 ; if (lim) maxd = digits[pos]; for (int i = 0 ; i <= maxd; i++) { res += solve (pos - 1 , (rest * 10 + i) % MAX_LCM, i == 0 ? l : lcm (l, i), lim && (i == maxd)); } if (!lim) cache[pos][rest][lcmref[l]] = res; return res; }ll SOLVE (ll x) { int ptr = 0 ; while (x) { digits[++ptr] = x % 10 ; x /= 10 ; } return solve (ptr, 0 , 1 , true ); }int main () { ios::sync_with_stdio (false ); init_lcm (); int kase; cin >> kase; memset (cache, -1 , sizeof (cache)); while (kase--) { ll l, r; cin >> l >> r; cout << SOLVE (r) - SOLVE (l - 1 ) << endl; } return 0 ; }
求[ l , r ] [l,r] [ l , r ] 区间内的所有满足以下要求的数的平方和。
数位上没有7 7 7
不是7 7 7 的倍数
数位和不是7 7 7 的倍数
区间为1 0 18 10^{18} 1 0 1 8 级别,请对答案取模1 0 9 + 7 10^{9}+7 1 0 9 + 7 。
数位上没有7 7 7 ,可以直接在枚举填数时跳过7 7 7 。
非 * 的倍数,可以维护已填数字的取模。取模为0 0 0 则为倍数。
当以数位来考虑平方和时,问题就稍微变得复杂了。假设我们已经知道了下一个状态的平方和为x n x_n x n ,如何得到当前位x x x 的平方和。
假设当前位p t r ptr p t r 填了i i i 。其数位所表达的意义是1 0 p i 10^{p}i 1 0 p i ,那么以该位与下一状态的平方和,需要下一状态的和 ,定为s n s_n s n 。可以得到
( 1 0 p i + s n ) 2 = 1 0 2 p i 2 + 2 ⋅ 1 0 p i s n + s n 2 (10^p i+s_n)^2=10^{2p}i^2+2 \cdot 10^pis_n+s_n^2
( 1 0 p i + s n ) 2 = 1 0 2 p i 2 + 2 ⋅ 1 0 p i s n + s n 2
另外,当前位的出现次数在实际计算时需要考虑进去。那么,还需要维护下一状态的个数 ,记c n t cnt c n t 。那么,上式需要修改
1 0 2 p i 2 ⋅ c n t n + 2 ⋅ 1 0 p i s n + s n 2 10^{2p}i^2 \cdot cnt_n+2 \cdot 10^pis_n+s_n^2
1 0 2 p i 2 ⋅ c n t n + 2 ⋅ 1 0 p i s n + s n 2
后两项不乘以c n t cnt c n t 是因为它们本身就已经是包括了下一状态的所有计数。这样,我们就得到了以数位为角度的平方和维护办法。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> using namespace std;using ll=long long ;const int MAXN=22 ;const ll MOD=1e9 +7 ;struct Status { ll cnt; ll sum,sqsum; Status (ll cnt=-1 ,ll sum=0 ,ll sqsum=0 ):cnt (cnt),sum (sum),sqsum (sqsum){} } f[MAXN][9 *20 ][10 ];int num[MAXN];ll qpow (ll a,ll b) { ll res=1 ; for (;b;b>>=1 ,a=a*a%MOD){ if (b&1 )res=res*a%MOD; } return res; }Status dfs (int ptr,int sum,int mod,bool lim) { if (ptr<=0 ){ return Status (sum%7 !=0 && mod!=0 ); } if (!lim && ~f[ptr][sum][mod].cnt)return f[ptr][sum][mod]; int maxx=lim?num[ptr]:9 ; Status res (0 ) ; for (int i=0 ;i<=maxx;i++){ if (i==7 )continue ; Status nex=dfs (ptr-1 ,sum+i,(mod*10 +i)%7 ,lim&&i==maxx); res.cnt+=nex.cnt; res.cnt%=MOD; res.sum=(res.sum%MOD+qpow (10 ,ptr-1 )*i%MOD*nex.cnt%MOD)%MOD; res.sum=(res.sum+nex.sum)%MOD; res.sqsum=(res.sqsum+nex.cnt%MOD*qpow (10 ,2 *(ptr-1 ))%MOD*i%MOD*i%MOD)%MOD; res.sqsum=((res.sqsum+nex.sqsum)%MOD+2 *qpow (10 ,ptr-1 )%MOD*i%MOD*nex.sum%MOD)%MOD; } if (!lim)f[ptr][sum][mod]=res; return res; }ll solve (ll n) { int ptr=0 ; while (n){ num[++ptr]=n%10 ; n/=10 ; } return dfs (ptr,0 ,0 ,1 ).sqsum%MOD; }int main () { ios::sync_with_stdio (false ); cin.tie (0 ); int kase;cin>>kase; while (kase--){ ll l,r;cin>>l>>r; cout<<((solve (r)-(l?solve (l-1 ):0 ))%MOD+MOD)%MOD<<endl; } return 0 ; }
初始化的值从何而来。当数位DP到达了边界,就是要考虑初始化的位置。一般为满足条件置1 1 1 。
必须考虑n − 1 n-1 n − 1 到n n n 位 之间的转移关系。首先一定会维护满足性质的数字个数,之后每一个位的计算都需要考虑下一状态的个数。